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What Time Of Year Is Best To Trap Squirrels


Squirrels can be a nuisance for many homeowners, but trapping them can help with the problem. Knowing when the best time of year to trap squirrels is key to ensuring success. What time of the year is best to trap squirrels?

This article will explore what season is most effective for trapping squirrels and why it's important to consider the time of year before setting up traps.

Many people assume that any season is good for trapping squirrels, but this isn't necessarily true. Depending on where you live and the type of squirrel you're trying to catch, different seasons may yield better results.

It's important to understand what factors impact when the best time of year to trap squirrels is so that you can be successful in your attempts. Keep reading to learn more about what time of year is best for trapping squirrels.

Impact Of Weather On Trapping Squirrels

The weather plays a significant role in the success of trapping squirrels. The most important factor is temperature, as cold temperatures can make it difficult for the squirrels to move around and escape traps.

In addition, due to the fact that squirrels are often hibernating during winter months, they may become less active and more difficult to trap during this time of year. In order to be successful in trapping squirrels, it is important to take into account not only the temperature but also other variables such as precipitation, humidity and wind speed.

It is also important to consider the timing of the breeding season when attempting to trap squirrels. Breeding season typically occurs in late summer or early autumn and can last anywhere from two weeks up until late winter or early spring, depending on the species of squirrel being trapped. During this time period, female squirrels will be actively looking for mates and therefore more likely to come into contact with baited traps. Knowing when the breeding season starts and ends can help you best plan your trapping efforts accordingly.

In addition, recognizing peak activity times of day for different species of squirrels can also help increase your chances for success when trapping. For instance, red squirrels tend to be most active during dawn and dusk hours while grey squirrels usually feed during mid-morning or late afternoon hours.

By taking into account these factors when planning your trapping strategy, you can maximize your chances of capturing a few furry critters!

Timing Of Breeding Season

As any squirrel trapper knows, timing is critical when it comes to trapping squirrels. As such, it is important to understand the breeding season of squirrels in order to best optimize one's chances of a successful catch.

To paint the picture, let us imagine a sunny day in late autumn, a perfect opportunity for trapping these furry critters! During the months of December through February, female squirrels give birth to their pups. This means that during this time of year, their home ranges are at their most expansive as they are searching for food and other resources for their offspring.

This makes them easier to spot and, thus more likely to be caught by traps. Additionally, many adult males will stay close by during this period due to mating opportunities with other females as well as a need to protect their young from predators. This makes late autumn and early winter an ideal time for trapping squirrels since they are out and about looking for food and resources; however, it's important to remember that there may be times when the weather conditions make it difficult to trap during this period.

Regardless, understanding the timing of the breeding season can greatly increase one's chances of catching these elusive creatures. With that being said, let us now turn our attention to discussing the food sources available during different seasons.

Food Sources Available During Different Seasons

Squirrels are most active during late summer and early fall, making the end of summer and the beginning of fall the best time to trap them. During this period, food sources for squirrels are abundant, allowing them to easily find sustenance:

1. Nuts from trees such as walnuts, hickory nuts, and acorns.

2. Fruits such as apples and berries.

3. Seeds from plants like sunflowers, corn, and wheat.

4. Insects like grasshoppers and caterpillars that can be found in gardens or fields.

This abundance of food sources makes trapping squirrels easier because they can be attracted with bait more quickly than during other times of the year when food is scarce.

Knowing this will help hunters plan their trapping season accordingly which will increase their chances of success. With an understanding of the resources available to squirrels throughout different seasons, hunters can maximize their efforts while minimizing their frustration.

The Role Of Daylight Hours

The changing of the seasons brings with it a multitude of opportunities for squirrel hunters. As fall approaches, the days become shorter and the nights longer, presenting an opportunity for squirrel trapping that is unparalleled throughout the year.

With temperatures cooling and leaves beginning to change, this is truly the ideal time to take advantage of these furry little creatures. Every morning brings with it a fresh layer of dew on the ground and a crispness in the air that creates an atmosphere that is perfect for setting traps and baiting them around dawn.

The midday hours can be spent scouting out potential trapping sites or setting more traps as squirrels become increasingly active after dusk. The ever-changing season provides an abundance of resources for trappers to take advantage of, and any hunter worth their salt will tell you that there's nothing quite like chasing these fast-moving critters during autumn.

Traps And Bait For Different Seasons

The best time of year to trap squirrels is typically in the late summer and early fall. During this period, the squirrels are actively stocking up in preparation for the winter months. As such, they are more likely to investigate and be attracted to a bait placed near or inside a trap.

The most effective baits usually consist of nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, and peanut butter. If you choose to use these items for bait, make sure that you place fresh food in the traps regularly to increase their appeal.

Trapping during late spring can also be effective since this is when new generations of squirrels are born and searching for resources. In addition to using food as bait, luring the animals with nesting materials like small twigs and leaves may help attract them into your traps.

Additionally, setting multiple traps around an area can help increase your chances of catching more than one squirrel at once. When trapping squirrels it's important to understand your local population's habits and behaviors so that you can set up an effective strategy for squirrel trapping them successfully.

This will also ensure that you don't needlessly stress out any animals or put yourself in danger by not following safe trapping practices. Knowing these details will allow you to hone in on what time of year is best for trapping and which bait is most effective for your area.

With this knowledge at hand, you'll be able to optimize your success rate when trapping squirrels. To better understand your local population, let's take a closer look at how they operate within their environment.

Understanding Your Local Squirrel Population

Trapping squirrels is a rewarding experience that requires careful consideration of the local population and the changing seasons. As the weather begins to cool and the leaves start to change, fall is an ideal time to begin trapping. Figuratively speaking, this is when the squirrels begin “scurrying” around in search of food and shelter for winter.

To successfully trap squirrels, consider the following:

- Understand your local squirrel population: become familiar with their habits and which areas they frequent.

- Monitor changes in weather: pay attention to temperatures, wind speeds, and rain levels — these can all affect how active squirrels are.

- Consider using multiple bait types: different kinds of bait can be used depending on what type of squirrel you're targeting and what season it is.

By taking into account these three points, you will be well on your way to successfully trapping squirrels during autumn. With patience and some practice, you’ll soon find yourself harvesting plentiful catches each year!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Most Humane Way To Trap A Squirrel?

The most humane way to trap a squirrel is to use a live trap. This type of trap allows the animal to remain unharmed and can be quickly released once it's captured.

It's important to make sure that the trap is placed in an area where squirrels are likely to find food, and this should be done at any time of year when their activity is high.

Additionally, since squirrels are naturally cautious, baiting the traps with peanut butter or sunflower seeds often helps increase success rates.

What Should I Do With A Squirrel Once It Is Trapped?

Once you have successfully trapped a squirrel, it is important to know what to do with it. Your first priority should be to release the animal unharmed back into its natural habitat as soon as possible.

Make sure you are aware of local laws governing the relocation of wildlife before doing so. If you are unable to release the squirrel, contact a local animal rescue or wildlife rehabilitator for guidance on how to properly care for and handle the animal until it can be safely released.

Are There Any Dangers Associated With Trapping Squirrels?

Trapping squirrels can be a great way to control their population and curb damage to property, but it should be done with caution.

The most important danger to consider when trapping squirrels is the potential for injury or stress that could be caused by the trap.

Properly setting the trap and checking it regularly can help ensure that the animal involved is not harmed in any way.

Additionally, using humane traps can help make sure the squirrels are not subjected to unnecessary stress.

How Can I Prevent Squirrels From Entering My Property?

Preventing squirrels from entering your property can be tricky, but by taking a few simple steps you can keep them away for good.

Alluding to the dangers of trapping squirrels, it's always important to consider humane alternatives like exclusion techniques such as sealing off entry points with hardware cloth and keeping your yard free from food sources.

You should also remove any potential nesting spots, like piles of debris or tall shrubs, to further deter them from coming onto your property.

With these methods in place, you can keep the little critters out of your yard for good!

How Often Should I Check My Traps?

Checking your traps regularly is an important part of trapping squirrels.

Depending on the type of trap you are using, it's best to check your traps at least once a day. If you're using a live trap, or a bait trap, it's important to check your traps frequently enough that any squirrels caught won't be left in there too long and become distressed. You should also keep in mind that if you leave the traps unchecked for too long, the bait may have been eaten or moved by other animals.


As a homeowner, it's important to make sure you are trapping squirrels in the most humane way possible. Ultimately, the best time of year to trap squirrels is when they are actively searching for food and shelter. This is usually from late fall through early spring.

As the old adage goes, 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure'; therefore, it's important to take preventative measures to keep squirrels away from your property all together. This can include eliminating food sources and sealing off potential entry points. For more suggestions and guidance learn what can I do with a trapped squirrel.

Taking these steps will help ensure that your property remains safe and secure all year round. With A-1 Pest Master get rid of squirrels is easy nowadays. Call us at (312) 647-2630



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